New Website launched 12/5/2013

The European Malaria Reagent Repository launches its new website on 12/05/2013

The repository has a collection of parasite strains, clones and lines from both human and rodents, monoclonal antibodies to a wide range of blood stage asexual and gametocyte antigens, and a panel of ~60 recombinant antigens derived from blood stage expressed P. falciparum and P. chabaudi genes. We can also provide P. falciparum parasite extracts and DNA on request, as well as IFA slides. 

All malaria reagents are physically held in Edinburgh, and are available to all bona fide malaria researchers. The Repository has recently been awarded funding by the Wellcome Trust to raise awareness of the reagents available in Edinburgh and to make these available to research labs worldwide.

Costs of reagent production and shipping will be recovered by small charges for each reagent.

Obtaining reagents involves contacting the Director of the repository, Dr. David Cavanagh (


We are grateful to the following organisations for their  past and present support of this facility:

EMVDA (EU FP6), OPTIMALVAC (EU FP7) and most recently, the Wellcome Trust.