Plasmodium chabaudi adami DK clone (19DK1)
Rodent malaria line
P.c. adami DK clone (19DK1 and 19DK23), after mosquito transmission. Genome sequence of 19DK1 available.
Subclone of:
Isolate 556KA
Isolated Congo-Brazzaville from Thamnomys rutilans 556KA. 2 mouse passages, deep-freeze, 4 mouse passages. Mice sent to Edinburgh 04.12.71; 1DK. -> 3x mouse passage, An. stephensi transmission; frozen stabilates, 20/11/73. Cloning 28/5/74; frozen stabilates 19DK1 and 19DK23, 10/6/74. Clone 19DK1 revived for DNA preparation and sequencing (Otto et al, 2014). Available as stabilates after infection under SPF conditions.
UK Biosafety level:
Carter, R. and Walliker, D. (1976) Malaria parasites of rodents of the Congo(Brazzaville): Plasmodium chabaudi adami subsp. nov. and Plasmodium vinckei lentum. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Compare?e 51, 637-646.
A comprehensive evaluation of rodent malaria parasite genomes and gene expression. Otto et al., BMC Biology. 2014, 12:86
Please state in any acknowledgements, "Rodent malaria line Plasmodium chabaudi adami DK clone (19DK1) was obtained from The European Malaria Reagent Repository (". It is a condition of the supply of this reagent that you also cite the reference and source given above in any publication.