Plasmodium vinckei brucechwatti N48 (DB)
Rodent malaria line
uncloned P.v. brucechwatti N48 after mosquito transmission.
Subclone of:
Isolate N48 (DB)
Isolate N48 collected in 1967. Infected mice (3rd passage from wild) sent to Edinburgh 25.10.71 by R. Killick-Kendrick, Imperial College, London. Passaged into mouse 1DB; frozen stabilates; 5/11/71. 5 mouse passages -> An. stephensi transmission; frozen stabilates made 2/8/77 and 11/12/2009.
Blood isolates of naturally-infected Thicket Rats captured in the CAR in 1965 (Landau & Chabaud)
UK Biosafety level:
Beale GH, et al. Genetics In: Killick-Kendrick R, Peters W. Rodent Malaria. London: Academic Press. pp. 213-245, 1978. Killick-Kendrick R.. Parasitic protozoa of the blood of rodents V. Plasmodium vinckei bricechwatti subsp. nov., a malaria parasite of the thicket rat, Thamnomys rutilans, in Nigeria. Ann. Parasitol. 50: 251-264, 1975.
Molecular evolution and phylogenetics of rodent malaria parasites. Ramiro RS, Reece SE, Obbard DJ. BMC Evol Biol. 2012 12:219
Please state in any acknowledgements, "Rodent malaria line Plasmodium vinckei brucechwatti N48 (DB) was obtained from The European Malaria Reagent Repository (". It is a condition of the supply of this reagent that you also cite the reference and source given above in any publication.